The Writing Goeth…


The last 9 weeks have felt like this writing wise. I pretty much rewrote the entire book for Six Train’s sequel. And now the developmental edits are done! I want to dance and sing and shout. I feel like what I’m sending to my editor today is much, much better.

But for 9 weeks, I doubted it would ever get there. Though with perseverance, I managed to get through the manuscript 4 times in 9 weeks, so I feel like what I am delivering is pretty polished. *Fingers and toes are crossed*

She’ll get me line edits in a few weeks and I will rework things again.

Then we’ve got to figure out the title and cover concept this spring too.

In the interim, I’m working on two short stories to submit in April to two different anthologies. One was a flash fiction piece I’m expanding to a short story. The other was a random bit of writing from 2010 that I’m turning into a short story. It’s really exciting to do these shorter pieces on a tight deadline.

I’m also making some minor proofreading edits to The Six Train to Wisconsin this week because I plan to re-release the paperback and Kindle this summer. I also want to include an excerpt from Book 2’s first chapter in the back of Book 1’s paperback.

I’ve used up my 5 free Kindle days in March for The Six Train to Wisconsin. I got 10k downloads during that time. My last free day was on 3/23/16. So far there have been 5 new Amazon reviews posted and several new ratings on Goodreads.

I also saw a nice bump in sales and Kindle Unlimited downloads in March. I won’t have final numbers for a few weeks, but it was an inexpensive promo opportunity. All I had to do was pay for promo ads on websites and mailing lists and announce it on my social media.

I have some more promo things coming up for TGWIG at RT Convention, Bologna, and ALA. Interested to see how those impact sales this spring.

I’ve started a happiness journal that was inspired by blog buddy Jill Weatherholt’s post One Year Later–Still Happy. All I have to do is write 1 sentence a day about something that made me happy. It’s funny how easy that is to do. And it starts to shift your perspective a bit. Because every day there is something to be happy about. Thanks Jill!

And lastly,  I’m absolutely in love with Birdy.

This song really helped me get into my character’s head for my short story…

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