Summer Break

Right now, my real life has to take a front seat to my online life.

There are things that I absolutely need to get done this summer and that means I won’t be online much. I’ll still be sending out my monthly author newsletter, so sign up for it if you want monthly updates on my writing life (

I’ve got a few major projects happening.

I’ve got to revise my first draft of The Unbelievables Book 3 and deliver a polished second draft to my editor by September 1.

I’ve got some personal goals that require daily exercise and cooking. I need to exercise 1-2 hours a day. I also have to prepare healthy meals.

I also have some additional professional goals that require major time this summer. I’ll explain more about that in the fall. But for the summer, I’m studying and taking tests and getting certifications that requires hundreds of  hours of preparation.

I looked at my schedule and realized that in order to complete these goals, I have to let other things (my online time) slide for a few months.

I’m sorry to be away for a bit, but it’s what I have to do right now.

Have you had to take a break from being online? Was it helpful to achieving your goals?



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