The Six Train to Wisconsin Blog Tour 2013
How to Write Fast Blog: Every Other Friday feature: Sharing my Inspiration and Productivity Tips: May 10th
The Write Transition: Featuring Grandma H as a psychic from Carrie’s perspective: May 13th Six Train’s first official book review from Sandra Shwayder Sanchez:May 13th
The Peasants Revolt: Q&A with Fel about Breaking Out with Six Train: May 15th
So Much to Write So Little Time: An in-depth and honest review of Six Train by Roxanne :May 18th
The 4 A.M. Writer: Featuring my publishing journey and the Importance of Never Giving Up: May 20th
Limebird Writers: A lovely shout out and feature on my award winning debut book: May 20th
Rich Weatherly-Author: Q&A with Rich about genre blending, alternating POV, and advice for aspiring writers: May 29th
Wrenheaded Writer: Guest post on the discovery of drafting: May 29th
JM McDowell: Chatting with JM about my inspiration, sharing indie advice, and what author and character I’d love to share a meal with: June 1
K.Lyn Wurth: Q&A with K.Lyn Wurth about the happy accidents of writing Six Train, the role my memories played in the book, and my favorite line in the book: June 2
My Random Muse: A beautiful review of Six Train by a reader who got everything I was going for in the book. I got teary-eyed reading it: June 2
4am Writer: Guest post on the importance of being on your own side: June 3
Small Press Reviews Blog: Interview with Marc Schuster on being a Type A, why I write, how Amazon’s contest impacted my writing, and what’s next: June 4
Paranormal Lounge: Guest blog on Kayla Curry’s blog about how going where you don’t want to can enrich your writing: June 5th
Victoria Writes: I’ll be sharing my journey to publication: June 6th
Pretty in Pink Books and Reviews: Natalie featured my book and reviewed it: June 7th
Authors To Watch: A guest blog about my point of view experiences with Six Train on Tricia’s blog: June 7th
Pete Denton–Writer: I’m weighing in on the pantser vs. plotter debate as a plantser: June 8th
Kecia Adams: I’m guest blogging about the evolution of my title: June 9th
Audrey Kalman: I’m dishing with Audrey about storystorming, telepathy and mom as a beta reader: June 10
My Random Muse: A fun-filled Q&A about my writing habits–music vs. no music, what’s on my desk, and why Wisconsin: June 11th
Emmie Mears’s blog: Guest posting on the plausibility of ESP: June 12th
August McLaughlin: Guest post on What Writer’s Can Learn from Wall Street: June 13th
EllaDee Words: Guest post on the Power of Persistence: June 14th
The Inner Wild Kat: A fascinating Q&A with Kitt Crescendo about my first writing attempts, my other passions, and my biggest fan: June 16th
The 4 AM Writer: Gwen interviews me on my indie publishing experiences: June 17th
Tales of A Charm City Chick: I confess my worst fear to La La and tell her how I overcame fear with fear: June 18th
Julie Kenner: Guest post on how research and reality collided while writing Six Train: June 18th
Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge: A unique interview with RC: June 19th
Writing from Corsets to Bustiers: Guest blog about what a writer learned from Hemlock Grove: June 21st
J. Keller Ford: Guest posting on worldbuilding as you go : June 22nd
Lyra Selene’s Blog: Q&A with Lyra where I spill about my inspiration, hobbies, favorite authors, and who I wrote the book for + ebook giveaway :June 24th
Workaday Reads: Guest post on writing setting when you hate setting + ebook giveaway :June 25th
The Peasants Revolt: Fel reviews The Six Train to Wisconsin: June 25th
Joya Fields: Guest post on how to bounce back from rejection: June 26th
Savvy Authors: Guest post on the importance of storystorming: June 27th
Authors To Watch: Q&A about my favorite character, my most challenging character, and my advice to aspiring authors:June 28th
My Withershins: A lively Q&A about alternating POV, my writing day, feedback, and my warrior lapdog: July 7th
Cat Forsley: I’m guest posting about how Taoism influenced my personal philosophy and my writing: July 9th
Coleen Patrick: I’m sharing how an introvert became a promoter: July 11th I’m guest posting about whether I’ve “made it” or not: July 18th
Mae Clair’s blog: I’m dishing on my drafting style, where I’d go in a time machine, and how Emerson helps my writing: July 18
Writing from Corsets to Bustiers: A lovely spotlight on Six Train : October 9
The 4 A.M. Writer: Amazing review of Six Train: November 25
Third Story Writers Guild: Guest post about the 4 things a query should do: January 4
Readers Favorites: Awesome 5 star reviews of Six Train
KNR Writes: Q&A where I share my writing style, plans for the sequel, dream cast for Six Train and my writerly crushes: January 6
Chris The Story Reading Ape’s New (to me) Authors Blog:: Guest blog where I share my five biggest revision tips from all those Margie Lawson packets I’ve done: January 23
Sheila Hurst: Author interview where I dish about the inspiration for Aunt Ines, my indie choice, and the classic lovestory: February 12
annjohnsonmurpheeauthor: A fantastic review of Six Train: February 14th
Megan’s Literary Confessions: I’m guest blogging about chasing discoverability and sharing promotional tips: July 8th
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