I know writers who don’t read books about the craft of writing. But I’m not one of them. I’ve always been able to absorb stuff from books and apply it. That might be my superpower.
It’s why I am a voracious reader of books on the craft of writing. Because I want to deliver the best books I can and I know I can pull stuff from these books that will make me a better writer.
One thing I’ve complained to my crit partner about is the lack of books on the macro level of storytelling. Books that teach you how to tell a story. I’ve read lots of books that focus on a specific element or aspect of storytelling–but always on the micro level. They never talk about the forest. Always the leaves and the trees.
Of course, being the extraordinary being that she is, my crit partner, Kat Bender, recommended two books to me. I finished them this spring. They were excellent books on the macros of storytelling. What needs to be in a story and why. Seriously, if I could only read two books on craft–these would be it.
The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers 3rd Edition by Christopher Vogler
The Writer’s Journey is the best writing book I’ve ever read on story structure. This book takes a macro approach to writing and has given me new perspective and insight into storytelling. As I was reading, I could feel it shifting my approach to writing. Giving me a new lenses through which to examine my novels.
This book is like a comprehensive writing workshop. I tackled 10-15 pages a day. There was so much in those pages, I wouldn’t have wanted to read it faster. I wanted to absorb the details and grasp the key points by taking my time with them.
I highly recommend this book for writers who want to take their storytelling to the next level. I know I’ll be referring back to the archetypes and steps of the hero’s journey as I work on my future novels.
One of the best books on writing out there. So many books focus on micro things, but this stays big picture and walks you through the things you have to do to tell a compelling story that readers respond to. I read a chapter a night and it was like taking an online class. Amazing insight.
I feel like I have a much better grasp of what a story needs to do and be and why. The perfect read to follow The Writer’s Journey. I am incredibly lucky to have such an awesome crit partner who recommends such great books and helps me grow as an author. This is a must read for all authors.
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