8 Ways to Support Author Buddies on a Budget


Today, I thought I’d touch on all the ways you can support an author buddy without breaking the bank.

As an author, my income is in the 4 digits.So buying paperbacks is a luxury.

But I want to support my friends that are traditionally published and indie published.

What’s a girl to do?

1) If you can’t afford the Kindle version, go to your local library and request that they carry the book as a paperback or ebook.

It may result in a book sale for your author friend and now you can read a free copy of the book.

2) Offer to put out bookmarks in your area for the author.

Most authors are using their own dollars for promotion. They can’t be everywhere. They will gratefully send you swag and bookmarks to put out at libraries and stores in your area.

3) If you read the book, please write a brief review and post it to Amazon and Goodreads.

The more reviews on Amazon, the more Amazon promotes the book for the author. Authors need at least 30-50 reviews to get that attention from Amazon. Amazon then promotes the book to targeted readers. Libraries and readers look to Goodreads reviews when making purchasing decisions too.

4) Tell people about the book on Facebook, Twitter, and in person. Word of Mouth is gold!

Readers are influenced by their friends. If you like a book, please sing its praises in person and on social media. 

5) If an author comes to your area, make an effort to attend their event.

Authors travel on their own dime. If they are traveling to your area and invite you to an event, do your best to attend. It helps to have a friendly face in the audience. 

6) If you have a book club or know a book club, suggest that they read the book.

Authors love book clubs and many will happily attend in person or Skype video chat with a book club. 

7) If you have an Amazon credit card, use your points to splurge on a paperback.

Books are my one indulgence.  I use my Amazon points from buying gas and food to get books by my favorite authors for free. 

8) If you have a blog, offer them a spot for their blog tour.

Blog tours are tough to put together. Offering your space is a godsend to an author. 

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