What Comes Next…


I sent my revised manuscript to the agent on Sunday.

1000 lbs off my shoulders.

And Monday morning I faced a new unknown…

What comes next.

I still had blog posts and social media stuff to do.

But this was a week without drafting or revising. A week off from novel writing.

So I started with shaving my legs and taking out the garbage.

Things I neglected during my writing.

I walked the dog.

I called all the doctors I needed to make appointments with.

I scheduled a 4-day trip to NY to see them and my friends.

And I finally deleted all the junk in my old email account.

Then I got to work. Because I can’t not work.

I started drafting a list of editors and agents to query when I finish revising my next book, a YA fantasy.

Prep work. Groundwork for the next novel.

Because it is always good to be prepared.

And though the waiting is hard, I’m going to do what I always do: keep moving forward.

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