Firelight–Book Review

“Gazing out at the quiet lake, I know the risk is worth it.”

From the first sentence, it’s Baccarat-crystal clear why Sophie Jordan is a NYT Bestseller. She sucks you right into the story and sprinkles backstory like pixie dust.

The story’s protagonist, Jacinda, is a high school age draki (a descendant of dragons whose greatest defense is her ability to shapeshift into human form). The concept sold me immediately.

Dragons, shapeshifting and spirited heroine are a triple draw for me.

But the story promises more with internal struggles amongst Jacinda’s draki tribe, a frustrated twin sister who never manifested draki powers, a mom who never wanted to keep her dragon side alive, a boy who would be Jacinda’s future husband, a father whose death remains murky, and a draki hunter that sets her heart ablaze.

The writing alone will keep you up late turning pages. The characters are multi-dimensional and worth spending more time with.

This is a story of  what is worth fighting for in life. It was an inspiring tale about family, first love, and the obligations that can undermine the strongest of wills.

Despite my hatred of present tense in book form, I enjoyed this story immensely.

I can’t wait to read the next book in the series, Firelight, due out this fall.

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