Tag Archives: Butternut Pioneer Days

Upcoming Author Events

Upcoming Author Appearances I’ve got a few author appearances coming up this fall/winter. I’ll be selling and signing copies of all my books. You can pick up a signed copy of my newest release Highway Thirteen to Manhattan, the re-release … Continue reading

Posted in author appearance, book release, book tour, Giveaways, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 21 Comments

The Book Signing, Parade & Fair During Pioneer Days

A most delicious beginning to a most delicious day. Beth’s Eggs Benedict was the best breakfast of the trip!  I was up at 4:30 am, too excited about the book signing to sleep. We went to the mural dedication at … Continue reading

Posted in author appearance, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

What’s Happening in Butternut?

Last week, the lovely Anna Maria Hansen emailed me to set up an interview with her for the Price County Publications. They cover Butternut and Park Falls and the surrounding towns. Anna Maria is a reporter and a member of … Continue reading

Posted in author appearance, Promotion, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 38 Comments