What is my Inspiration for the Character of Kat Preston?


As you might expect, I’m a bit exhausted from the blog tour for TGWSG, so I thought I’d share one of my favorite guest posts from the tour!

Guest Post from Butterfly-O-Meter Books’ Blog: My Source of Inspiration for the Character of Kat Preston by K.C. Tansley

Creating a character requires that I borrow from my own life, react to things in literature, and swirl in a ton of imagination. None of my characters are like any single living person, but I definitely borrowed from my treasure trove of personal experiences to create Kat Preston. I also created her as a reaction to some of the things I was reading in YA fiction. Sometimes others’ work can inspire us to go in a different direction…

Read the rest of this post on Butterfly-o-Meter’s Blog!



Upcoming Author Events

November 5th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


November 11th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


In East Lyme, CT, at the East Lyme High School (30 Chesterfield Road): author selling and signing books.


In Manchester, CT, at Manchester High School (134 E. Middle Turnpike): author selling and signing books.



November 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

In Meriden, CT, at the Horace C. Wilcox Technical High School (298 Oregon Road): author selling and signing books.
November 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In Southington, CT, at the AquaTurf Convention Center craft fair (Mulberry St.): selling and signing books.




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