A Great Review, a Nice Award, a Cool Q&A, and Exciting Appearances

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Foreword Reviews published their review of The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts in the fall edition of Foreword Reviews and on their website. They gave it 5 hearts!

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TGWIG is a Readers’ Favorite Book Award Finalist in YA mysteries.


Q&A and Giveaway

One of the NetGalley reviewers of TGWIG reached out to me to give away a signed copy of TGWIG and do a Q&A. Rin has a great blog for books and I was excited to be featured there:

September 3: Q&A with Rin about ghosts, my inspiration, & what’s to come in the sequel + Giveaway.


Upcoming Author Appearances

I’ve booked a couple more events for the fall. Here’s where I’ll be in September:

September 17th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. In Wolcott, CT, at Bin 300 World Bistro: Launch Party for The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts: cocktails & hot appetizers and book signing. Door prize at event. This is a ticketed event.
September 20th from 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. In Brooklyn, NY, at the Brooklyn Book Festival in the Mystery Writers of America tent: selling and signing books and giving out author goodies.
September 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. In Baltimore, MD, at the Baltimore Book Festival: selling signed copies of my books.

You can see my complete schedule for the year on my website: http://kourtneyheintz.com/news/


Writing Work

I finished the first draft of TGWIG’s sequel in late August.

I’ve received beta reader comments on Six Train’s sequel. I’ve read through them all and am mulling them over right now and preparing to start revisions this week.


School Visits

I’ve been hard at work creating all the paperwork for school visits, including my website content, and finalizing the PowerPoints.

I’ve has postcards designed and ordered them to send to schools this fall.

I’ve compiled a mailing list of schools in CT. Now I’m working on MA. I’m aiming to put them together for NY and RI too.



TGWIG has 49 reviews on Amazon and 63 ratings on Goodreads. I’m thrilled to have such a great response within 5 weeks of publication. I’m hoping to break 50 reviews on Amazon soon. I’d love to get 100 reviews for TGWIG by the end of the year. When I break 100, I’ll share the opening page of my draft of TGWIG’s sequel here. And I’ll run a giveaway with a $25 Amazon gift card.


Happy Labor Day!


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