An Award, an Event, and Some Etc.



The Six Train to Wisconsin was an International Books Awards Finalist for cross genre fiction!


On June 7th, I will be at the 4th Annual Writers’ Conference and Intensives at Hunter College in Manhattan (68th and Lexington). I’m going to be on the children’s panel from 9-10 a.m. I’ll have a few books with me to sell and sign as well.


On a personal note, I have been sticking to a low carb regimen all of May. I feel so much healthier with my blood sugar back under control. I’m enjoying fruits and veggies, but limiting those processed sugars.

I’m also officially obsessed with Bitten. First off, everyone is hot. And yes, I like watching hot people. Second, the story is great and I love how it unfolds. Third, the characters are really well done. I love them all. I watched 13 episodes in a week.

Revisions are kicking my butt. Self doubt attacked last week. And suddenly nothing I did seemed right. Second and third guessing myself. I felt like my sanity was a second away from snapping.

It took me a few days to get my head together. And I’m still slipping into serious uncertainty. Thank goodness for my mom and Kat. They have been there to remind me of what is working in the story and keep me going when I want to lock myself in a closet, bury myself under a pile of coats, and cry.

I have to send the first 100 pages to my editor tomorrow. Gulp. I’d like to say how confident I am that she’ll like what I did, but I’m not. All I can say is I did my best to run with her edits and make it a better book.






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