Oops it's Thursday!


Sorry for the delay in posting this AM. Did you ever know it was Wednesday but forget the significance of Wednesday being that you need to draft a blog post for Thursday?

I could blame the migraine on Tuesday. Every time I take the medication, it reboots my mind in weird ways. But I might have been distracted by the fear of losing power during the crazy snow and ice storm that swallowed CT.

I needed to bathe both Emerson and myself. Luckily, we didn’t lose power, but it consumed my thoughts yesterday as I raced to get things done.

Anyway a little update on things…

We got about 14 inches of snow here yesterday and then a lovely coating of ice. I didn’t venture outside.

It looks like the Wadsworth Atheneum event is definitely on for Saturday–the storm isn’t supposed to come in until Sunday. So yay! I’ll be there from 10 am- 3pm selling books and photography from the book.

I’ve been practicing my reading for the Ladies’ Night Out event at the Whittemore Public Library in Naugatuck on 2/12 from 6:30-8:00 pm too. It comes in at anywhere from 4 minutes to 4 mins and 30 seconds. Nicely under my 5 minute time limit.

I’m really excited for the Tucson Festival of Books–I can’t believe it’s only 5 weeks away. They set me up with an author page–silly but these things thrill me!

I’m planning a trip to Wisconsin this summer. Dates haven’t been set yet, but it looks like late July to early August–I will be in Butternut for Pioneer Days and Park Falls for Flambeau Rama.

I’m going to try to line up library talks during the weekdays and do a mini book tour of Wisconsin.  If you know any libraries who are looking for free author talks or free workshops, let me know. I plan to reach out to the ones that carry my book over the next couple weeks too.

I’m finalizing the end of the outline for Six Train’s sequel. It came together better than I realized.

I feel like I should be able to put it aside this weekend and switch to revising my newest manuscript. That should take me into the spring workwise. It’s anywhere from 8-10 weeks of work. I won’t know until I dive into my betas’ comments.

I have 44 reviews on Amazon for Six Train! Woohoo! Six more reviews and I will reveal three things about the sequel.

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