Double Dip Release and Recent Reads

Double Dip by Gretchen Archer

My Killer Nashville conference buddy, Gretchen Archer, is releasing her second book in the Davis Way Crime Caper tomorrow. So I’m squeezing one more review in this month. I read the awesome ARC and wanted to blog about it close to her release date. The ebook is on sale now.

Gretchen Archer crafts another page-turner with Double Dip. We travel back to the Bellissimo Casino and it’s cast of delightful characters, who you’ll love spending another book with.

I’m a northerner, but I love the details of Davis’ family and childhood in Pine Apple, Alabama, and her daily life in Biloxi, Mississippi.

I couldn’t put it down and finished the last 200 pages in a day.

Ms. Archer creates a compelling, layered mystery and has a knack for providing enough details to make it realistic without bogging the reader down. I am in awe of Davis’ hacking moments.

The church and the elderly were an unexpected but perfect tie-in to the Bellissimo. It’s pure pleasure to watch Davis pretend to be Mrs. Saunders at events. Davis accidentally taking Granny to the church was a laugh-out-loud roadtrip.

I love Ms. Archer’s voice. Her unique asides in parentheses and her fast humor are destined to be a trademark.

The title is very fitting and the double entendre of Double Dip will become clear by the end of the book.

Fantasy is a great addition to Davis’ team at the Bellissimo. As is Cowboy. I look forward to book 3!

She’s got a cool Facebook Party going on 1/28 if anyone wants to stop by:

Buy at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.


Here’s links to more reviews I’ve done this month:

Tall, Dark, and Divine by Jenna Bennett

The Devil’s Backbone by Rae Ann Parker

A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund


This morning, I’m off to an elderly community to give a private workshop on finding your story. Fingers crossed it all goes well!

Wednesday, I’m video conferencing with the University of Toronto’s Writer’s Co-Op to give a workshop on being a productive part-time writer.

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