This post is lots of odds and ends. Sorry about the lack of focus. Just little tidbits that I wanted to share before the year ends.
Readers’ Favorites 5 star:
Six Train received a 5 star review from Readers’ Favorites!
November sales:
My total sales for November were 45. Considering I didn’t have any events, I’m very happy with this number.
Blog Schedule for the Holidays:
I’m going to take Carrie Rubin’s advice and take a blogging break from Dec 24-January 3.
Upcoming 2014 Author Events:
Boston, MA: If anyone in the Boston area wants to meet me, I’ll be at Arisia 2014 on January 19th at 11:30 am on a panel about fortune telling methods. I’m happy to sign books before and after.
Tucson, AZ: I will be at the Tucson Festival of Books in March signing books in the author pavilion. I just found out I was accepted last night! I’ll let you know when the time is confirmed. The festival is March 15-16 in Tucson, Arizona.
24 Responses to Readers Favorites + Upcoming Stuff