Weekly Round Up on Six Train


This turned into a Chicken Pot Pie week. Lots of deliciousness and only the rare burning of my mouth if I went to fast and furious. 🙂

I got some delayed numbers from the B&N paperback sales and low and behold, I’ve sold over 100 copies in 2.5 weeks.

So yay! It’s a good start. 🙂

The lovely Gwen of The 4 A.M Writer blog featured me as part of her series on the power of persistence this week. She was a delight to work with and I love the feature how it turned out!

The awesome Limebird Writers blog featured me as a “award winning author” and showcased my book! Love my UK blog buddies!

The Six Train to Wisconsin received it’s first international review on Amazon UK! Thank you Hecate!

The talented Roxanne of So Much To Write So Little Time blog gave an in-depth and much appreciated review of Six Train! Thanks again, Roxanne!

The brilliant Jennifer Fusco shared how The Six Train to Wisconsin and I scored press coverage/earned media on The Writing Secrets of 7 Scribes.

My Taylor Swift concert ticket giveaway is still going on–if you’ve liked my fan page, follow me on Twitter, liked my Amazon page, pinned my bookcover on Pinterest, or bought the book, you’ve already done things that get you multiple entries.

It’s open to all US citizens over 18. Maybe you can’t make it to PA, but these tickets have a great resale value for you. They are my way of saying thanks for all the support! 🙂

I am also having a Facebook Online Six Train Book Launch Party with fun games and giveaways for 2 hours on May 28th from 8:45 pm-10:45 pm EST.

Very sorry to my UK friends for the time! I did it because FB has a spike in activity around 10 pm. I’ve invited everyone whose a friend on FB and anyone who isn’t yet my FB friend is also invited to stop by! 🙂

If anyone has any suggestions for what they love or hate in an FB online party, please let me know! I want to make it a fun and interesting event and avoid Dullsville.

Lastly, if anyone is in Waterbury, CT May 30th and wants a signed copy of the book, I will be at John Bale Books from 12-2pm, signing and chatting with readers.

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