Where in The World Has Kourtney Been?


Over the past week, I started my blog hopping to promote The Six Train to Wisconsin!

So far, it’s been a blast.

I stopped by the awesome Peter Andrews’ How to Write Fast Blog on 5/10/13 to talk about my inspiration for Six Train and share a few productivity tips.

This Monday, the fabulous Carrie Rubin of The Writer’s Transition shared her rib-tickling take on Grandma H as a mindreader.

And yesterday, the amazing Fel Wetzig of The Peasants Revolt picked my brain about what type of drink I am, my writing process, and why I use a pen name for my YA.

Thank you to Pete and Fel for asking cool interview questions and giving me a chance to showcase my book. Thank you to Carrie for featuring my book and inviting readers into the world of Grandma H. 🙂

To showcase the generous and talented bloggers who are hosting me, I am going to dedicate one post a week to listing where I’ve been. I hope you’ll check out a few of them and maybe find a few new blogs to follow.


This week I received my first official book review from Sandra Schwayder Sanchez of BookPleasures.com! Thank you Sandra!

And a big thank you to the blog buddies and readers have taken the time to post  Amazon reviews! Thank you thank you thank you to EllaDee, Carrie, Catherine, Jen, Robin, and Marilyn!


Yesterday, I kicked off Six Train’s Biggest Fan Giveaway to thank all my supporters and readers!  Taylor Swift is one of my favorite artists, so I’m giving away two tickets to her 7/6 concert in Pittsburgh, PA. You can find out more details and enter the giveaway here: http://www.facebook.com/kourtneyheintzwriter/app_228910107186452

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