My Life In Books


Jenna Bennett’s blog post on her life in books made me want to join in. It’s fun to answer these questions based on titles you read in 2012 and try not to repeat any titles.

Describe yourself: Fortune’s Hero (Jenna Bennett)

How do you feel: Between Shades of Gray (Ruta Sepetys)

Describe where you currently live: The Fault in Our Stars (John Green)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Future of Us (Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler)

Your favorite form of transportation: If Fried Chicken Could Fly (Paige Shelton)

Your best friend is: Second Sight (Cheryl Klein)

You and your friends are: Immortal Beloved (Cate Tiernan)

What’s the weather like: The Book of Lies (Brad Meltzer)

You fear: Market or Die (Jennifer Fusco)

What is the best advice you have to give: Live to Tell (Lisa Gardner)

Thought for the day: Deadline (Chris Crutcher)

How I would like to die: Nightshade (Andrea Cremer)

My soul’s present condition: Timeless (Gail Carriger)

 Lots of amazing books didn’t make it on here because the titles didn’t quite work as responses. Made me realize how many books I got to in 2012 and how many more I want to read in 2013. 🙂

If you decide to play the My Life in Books game, let me know. Or if you have one perfect title for a question, please post it below, I’d love to read it!

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42 Responses to My Life In Books

  1. Pingback: My Life in Books | Lyra Selene

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