I want to thank every one of my amazing blog followers for supporting me throughout the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest. It was a terrific experience and I’m delighted to have been a semifinalist.
That being said, the contest is still going on…for the top three finalists in YA and in adult fiction.
And now is the really cool part, where you get to vote for the winner for YA and adult fiction. The two writers who gets a contract with Penguin.
I’ve read through the excerpts and there is a crop of wickedly talented writers for each category. I don’t feel bad about losing out to them. 🙂 I’ve place my votes and have my favorites I’m rooting for.
If you have time, stop by and vote for your pick of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest Finalists . It’s pretty amazing to know your vote could change someone’s life by helping them reach the holy grail–a publishing contract.
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