I’ve gotten some amazing blog awards that I’ve been hording for an awards post.
It’s really wonderful to have fellow bloggers recognize my writing. But I’m going to tweak all the rules for these awards so this post isn’t insanely long. Thanks to every wonderful blogger who thought of me and nominated this blog for these awesome awards.
If I nominate you for a blog award, there is zero requirement that you pass these awards on. You can bask in them. You can nominate others. It’s just my way of saying your posts are appreciated and that what you write matters.
Reader Appreciation Award and Genuine Blogger Award
Big thanks to the fabulous Carrie Rubin for nominating me for the Reader Appreciation Award and Genuine Blogger Award. And to the intriguing Bluesander for the Reader Appreciation Award. I happily accept them.
Part of this award is to tell you what I’ve been up to…er, I pretty much do that on this blog. So here’s 3 highlights from today:
- Learned that I am incredibly calm when a car accident is imminently possible because the driver is about to pass out.
- Appreciated that I am incredibly aware of my emotions as they are roiling inside me so that I walk away before the anger steals over my voice box and says something I’ll regret.
- Enjoyed having my dog sleep in my lap while I write. It’s like having a security blanket in my lap.
And my lovely nominees are:
Rescued From The Bottom Drawer
Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge
Very Inspiring Blogger and Inspiring Blogger Award
Thanks to the inspiring Arab Writer Chick for the Inspiring Blog Award and the very inspiring Danylife and Pete Denton for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award .
The Inspiring Blog Award and Very Inspiring Blogger Award each require that I list 7 things about me and nominate 7 to 15 blogs for the award. I’m going to do 7 total instead.
Seven things about me:
1. My favorite bird is a peacock.
2. My favorite insect is a dragon fly and they tend to visit me whenever I’m outside.
3. I like crossing genre lines in my books. It’s not a conscious decision, it’s just where my stories go.
4. I love swimming in the ocean almost as much as walking the sandbars at low tide.
5. I drink a cup of warm milk with a dash of coffee to get the morning started.
6. I bought my Iphone for the thrill of Siri.
7. I am excellent in a crisis but terrible with a hiccup.
My nominees are:
Beautiful Blogger Award
Thanks again to rockstar blogger Carrie Rubin for the Beautiful Blogger Award. The rules are simple here. Just pass along as you like to beautiful bloggers. So I nominate:
Sunshine Award and Versatile Blogger Award
Thanks to the kind and creative Cat Forsley for the Versatile Blogger Award and the Sunshine Award. Thanks to the bright and warm Michael for the Sunshine Award too.
I would like to nominate:
Hug Award
Thanks to the wonderful Nizzamhappieboyz for the Hug Award. I pass this award on to:
TMI Award
Thanks to the always interesting Cecile Writers for the TMI Award. You can find the rules on their blog. I love how much these bloggers share about their life experiences, including embarrassing moments. I’m going to tweak it to 3 nominees and a really brief TMI moment of my own.
The nominees are:
TMI moment:
I got an ear infection that derailed my hearing. I’d think I was yelling when I was whispering. Unfortunately, I’d also think I was whispering when I was in fact yelling.
I was in the hall with my coworker and we noticed a very very heavyset woman walking way ahead of us. She had chosen to wear a leopard print sweater stretched across her ample behind.
I whispered, “Leopard? Doesn’t that just draw attention to her butt?”
My coworker cringed as the woman whipped around and gave me a dirty look.
I asked, “How did she hear me from that far away?”
My coworker said, “Uh Kourt, you were talking loud.”
Darn ear infection.
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Pingback: Sunshine Award | Arab Writer Chick
Pingback: You Bitches Really Love Me « The Diary of a Mad Gay Man
Pingback: Blog Awards: Kreativ and Versatile « Pete Denton – Writer
Pingback: Blogging Awards. I’ve been bad | Pete Denton - Writer