I’m going to LA in August

I signed up for the 41st Annual International SCBWI Summer Conference in LA in August! So excited. For so many reasons.

Firstly, SCBWI is an AMAZING organization. I can’t wait to attend the 4 day event. I grew so much as a writer after attending the SCBWI Winter Conference in NY. Top notch panels. Fantastic workshops. Excellent opportunities to meet with fellow writers.

Secondly, I get to room with my fabulous critique partner, Kat Bender! We get to hang out and talk about our stories in person–not just over email!

Thirdly, one of my oldest friends, J, lives in LA and I am going to fly in early and spend a few days gallivanting with him before the conference! Going up the CA coast.

Fourthly, one of my writing friends that I met at Killer Nashville, Rae-Ann Parker, is going to be attending the conference so I get to catch up with her too!

I can’t wait to meet so many many talented pre-pubbed writers, buy autographed copies of pubbed author’s books, and interact with agents and editors.

It’s a not to be missed event for YA authors!

Can’t wait for the end of July to come!

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