Free Book Contest+ Book Review for Paige Shelton’s If Fried Chicken Could Fly

Paige Shelton’s If Fried Chicken Could Fly is a delicious romp in the former wild west town of Broken Rope, Missouri, with a cast of absolutely engaging characters that you are dying to spend another book with. I’d jump in my car and roadtrip to Ms. Shelton’s Broken Rope any day.

From the back cover: “Isabelle ‘Betts’ Winston loves teaching the secrets of mouthwatering country food in her hometown, Broken Rope, Missouri–famous for its past of outlaws, knife battles, and hangings. But now an all-too-current murder threatens the start of the tourist season…”

I love how Ms. Shelton took a traditional mystery, tossed in cowboys, missing gold, and a modern day treasure hunt and then added an unconventional pinch of attraction between Betts and the ghost. Blended it to the tastiest treat.

I had no idea who the killer was until the end. Luckily, Ms. Shelton crafted a fast-paced mystery that I devoured in three nights so the wait was bearable.

All the characters are 3-D. I especially enjoyed Betts’ unconventional grandma, Grams/Missouri. She is a pip whether lecturing Betts on how to deal with seeing ghosts, stuck in a cell for a murder she didn’t commit, or dodging Bett’s questions about the treasure hunt that may have led to murder.

There are also several recipes from Ms. Shelton at the back of the book. I’m trying out her fake fried chicken this week.

If you like a dash of paranormal in your mystery, this is a not to be missed read!

I liked it so much, I asked Ms. Shelton if I could give away an autographed copy here. And she said YES!


The prize: A free personally autographed copy of If Fried Chicken Could Fly by Paige Shelton, a New York Times Bestselling Author and National Bestselling Author.

Contest rules:

1) You must have a U.S. mailing address to enter the contest. Any new and existing blog and/or Twitter followers can enter.

2) Follow my blog (Kourtney Heintz’ Journal) for one point.

3) Follow me on Twitter (@kourhei) for one point.

4) To enter, comment below telling me your total points and the names/handle you follow me under. Make sure to include your email address in the comment so I can notify you if you win. (Note: You get one entry for each point.)

5) Enter by Thursday February 23 at 7 AM EST. That’s 48 hours from when this post goes live. Then the contest closes to submissions.

I will randomly select a winner. The winner will be notified via email and announced on Friday’s blog.

Good luck!

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