This was my last appearance in October at the Boston Book Festival in the Sisters in Crime booth. The day before I got taken down by a nasty respiratory infection.
I’ve been offline most of the past 2 weeks getting better. I’d say I’m 85% there.
But as I lay in bed trying to breathe, I realized how hard and how fast I’ve been going for months. I was at such a stressed out level that it became my normal. All the things I had convinced myself I had to do really weren’t do or die.
So I’m going to step back a bit on promo stuff now.
In order to finish Six Train’s sequel and get it to my editor in December, I’ve got to give myself a break from Facebook and Twitter in November. I’ll try to stop by if I can, but it may only be once a week.
I’ll be here on the blog and on email, but I need to quiet my mind and get the story structure worked out.
I’ve also got three more events to wrap up the book tour. If you want to meet me and get a signed copy of either of my books, here’s where I’ll be:
November 14th from 9:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. | In Meriden, CT, at the Horace C. Wilcox Technical High School Craft Fair (298 Oregon Road): selling and signing books. |
November 29th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | In Southington, CT, at the Aquaturf Convention Center for the 19th Annual Holiday Craft Fair: selling signed copies of my novels. |
December 5th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. | In Unionville, CT, at the West District School (114 West District Road) for the West District 37th Annual Holiday Crafts Fair: selling and signing copies of my books. |
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