On Thursday night, I landed in Miami and met up with a Georgetown friend for dinner. The best steak at Graziano’s. We caught up for a few hours. I’m so glad we did. Great way to start my time in Miami!
Friday, I went to the book fair, but it was raining and windy. I met Lorrie and Wally and we walked around for a bit together. I tried to walk around until the rain went horizontal and then I called it a day.
Saturday at The Readers’ Favorite Tent at the Miami Book Fair. The Six Train to Wisconsin was on display and for sale there!
A shot of some of the award-winning books.
The Miami Book Fair.
Driving out to Miami Beach.
Weird birds we encountered on the drive.
Gorgeous house under construction.
The Readers’ Favorite Award Ceremony. Loud music boomed. Everyone was so excited. I stayed in my seat and tried not to freak out about going on stage. Usually, I’d rather have dental work done than walk the stage in front of a huge group of people. Even awesome people that were my peers.
Dad asked me to get up on stage for a trial run before the ceremony. My answer: No! I’m doing it once, so be ready.
Three award-winning paranormal authors in YA and Adult (Ronnie Stich, Elizabeth Kirke & me). We all coincidentally sat in a cluster. Woo-woo.
Kelvin Kwa and I got to chat the night before at a mixer. He’s written an amazing sci-fi techno thriller.
Getting the award was the most nerve-wracking part. Walk across the stage, remove glasses, kneel down, flip my hair out, pose with book and award medal and the President of Readers’ Favorite, Debra Gaynor, and get off the stage without falling.
Me on stage for our second go around. Dad was not so ready the first time. 😉
Verna Clay and me. Her book covers are gorgeous and she’s awesome to hang out with too!
Dad accidentally videoed this the first time and it included me on my side when he flipped the camera. We needed a do-over here too. So we went back after the ceremony. And after I’d had a drink.
Lorrie Farrelly and I had a blast hanging out. Her husband Wally is a great book trailer creator. We met at the Readers’ Favorite tent on Friday and walked around the book fair. Then we hung out at a mixer on Friday. But it wasn’t until the award ceremony on Saturday that we realized we both won in the paranormal category for adults!
I sold 32 books in November. Nine were audiobooks!
I’m going to take a blog holiday for the holidays. So there won’t be any new post until January 5, 2015. I’ll try to catch up on a little blog reading and commenting on other blogs during that time.
Hope everyone has a happy holiday and see you in the New Year!
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