April Author Events


Spring may be dragging her feet, but I’ve got a few author events in April that I’m really excited about!

April 12th from 10 am to 3 pm at Pat’s IGA (816 Wolcott Rd, Wolcott, CT): Wolcott Author’s Novel Approach to Supporting the American Cancer Society

Please stop in to purchase a signed copy of The Six Train to Wisconsin. I am donating 50% of the profits from this event to the American Cancer Society.

If you already own the novel, you might want to check out the signed original photography from the book.

We are going to have a memory board where people can write the name of a love one they lost to cancer, a quote to support those battling cancer, or anything they want about their experience with cancer.

This is a special event for me because I lost my college best friend, Jesse, to cancer 15 years ago. I want to remember him and celebrate the wonderful moments we shared.

His 37th birthday would have been in April. He died from head cancer, which is part of April’s Cancer Awareness Calendar. I think he would appreciate all the colliding coincidences.

Losing him changed the way I live my life. I only plan in 2 year increments. Never taking life as a given or delaying doing what’s important to me.


April 16th from 6 pm to 8pm at  Barnes and Noble (235 Union Street, Waterbury, CT): Local Authors’ Night

I’m thrilled to be invited to participate in a local author book signing at my Barnes and Noble.

It was extra tricky because Amazon has a no-return policy so Barnes and Noble hesitates to stock their books. I had to agree to purchase any unpurchased books from the signing.

It’s completely worth it for the experience and visibility. They will also shelve unsold books  in the store for a few weeks.


April 22nd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Prospect Public Library (17 Center St, Prospect, CT): Open Mic Night for Writers

Renee Londner and I will be co-emceeing the first Open Mic Night for writers.

It’s open to anyone from tween to adults who would like to share a short writing piece.

Poetry, short stories, novels, memoirs–bring whatever you’d like to share.

You won’t find a better audience that fellow writers!


I want to give a shout out to an amazing non-profit–Literacy Volunteers, who will be holding their annual fundraiser Friday, April 25, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Aquaturf at  556 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CT.

I donated a signed copy of Six Train for their auction and owe a big thanks to my author friends for graciously donated signed copies of their books for the auctions:

NYT and USA Today Bestseller Paige Shelton

Amazon and Barnes and Noble #1 Bestseller and Agatha-nominated Lyndee Walker

USA Today Bestseller Gretchen Archer

USA Best Book Awards Winner T.L. Costa

Indie extraordinaire K. Lyn Wurth


Apologies for the delay in announcing February’s sales numbers, I sold 43 books in February. Woohoo! As I get closer to the one year mark, I’m trying to devise new ways to sell books.


1000 thank yous to J.P. Moon, the owner of EZ Pickins  (773 Wolcott Rd Wolcott, CT)  for offering to stock my books and refusing to take a cut of the profits–that’s above and beyond generous.

And to put them up by the register where everyone sees them–that’s prime real estate in his store. It’s amazing how much a small business will help a local author out. Thank you!

Randomly cool fact: he and his wife lived in the house on the cover of my book when they first moved to CT–ask him about it when you stop in–it’s a cool story.

If you’re hankering for a signed copy and can’t make it out to one of my events, please stop by EZ Pickins and pick one up!

And get a scratch off or milk or bread or a treat while you’re there to support this awesome mom and pop shop.


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