Shop Small–Support Indie Authors


I’ve been reading EllaDee’s posts on shopping locally and it got my mind churning. Then last Saturday was the shop small initiative where you go to local small businesses in your community and show your support by shopping there.

A lightbulb flared in my mind. It would be great to extend it to your favorite indie authors, who are all running small businesses.

I work out of my parent’s dining room, where I keep copies of my book and all the shipping stuff, and my bedroom, where I have a postal scale, my laptop and printer to create stamps for shipping.

When you buy directly from me, I earn the best royalties too. So you are making sure more money goes to the author.

From now until December 21st, I will gift wrap each signed copy of Six Train and include a holiday card with your personalized message to the recipient. You can place an order with me by following these instructions for Paypal. If you don’t use Paypal, email me at kourtney(dot)heintz(at) and we can work out a payment method.

If you have a favorite indie author, please check out their website and consider gifting a signed copy of their book to friends or family too.

If you are an indie author selling personalized copies of your book, please leave the title, a one sentence summary of your book, and the ordering info in the comments and I will add it to this post so people will know what authors are hand selling signed paperbacks this holiday season.

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