Wonderful Happenings in Kourtneyville

It’s been a mad crazy ride the past two weeks here in Kourtneyville. And I’ve loved every second of my life. A big thank you to my publicist, Jennifer Fusco of Market or Die Author Services–none of this amazing media stuff would have happened without you!

I had a full page feature in the local newspaper, Republican AmericanApril 22nd. That gave me a media burst!


I appeared on CT Style May 2 with Teresa LaBarbera to talk about my book and my journey from Wall Street to Wolcott.


I wanted to have the ebooks ready for the appearance, so the last week of April was 12 hours days of proofing and tweaking and perfecting with Rik Hall.

Newsday Long Island picked up the AP article about me “Author Turns Wall Street Layoff into Second Career“!

Createspace has been absolutely awesome too. I reverse my previous opinion of them. They got things to me faster than I expected and I had the physical proof in my hands on May 2. I held it and flipped through it. It was a quiet, almost religious moment. Then I approved the book for publication and order copies for my signings.

Big thank you to Createspace for helping me meet and beat my deadlines.

They estimated me a 5-7 business days for the book to be on sale on Amazon, and it was available the next day!!! AMAZING turnaround time on their part. They turned out a top notch interior and despite being a big company they were responsive to my needs and exceeded my expectations in meeting my crunch time deadlines! Go Createspace!

I also received my shipment of BookBaby books. I’m torn on which interior formatting I like better. BookBaby’s is simpler and more streamlined. Createspace is more artistic. I’m super pleased with how both versions turned out.



You might have noticed the buy links for the books that appeared on the blog with no real fanfare. The fanfare is coming, I promise. 🙂 I’ll tell you more in Thursday’s post.

So mini-drumroll please…

The ebook is now available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords. The ebook is the simpler version. Just the story. No bonus content.

*Big Wave* Thanks to Pete and Cha–my European friends for purchasing the ebook! And thanks to my terrific blog buddies in the U.S. for buying it too! I hope you enjoy it.

The paperback is available on Amazon and it comes with fun bonus content–photos I took of the places Kai and Oliver visit, a book club discussion guide, and the original short story I wrote in 2010 that became this novel. And it’s got fun fonts and glyphs.

I figure if you pay more, you should get more. 🙂

I haven’t been this busy or this happy in a very long time. Thanks for being a part of my journey! I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without all the bloggers and readers who’ve supported me and cheered me on. 10,000 thank yous!

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