Book Review: 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing

100 Ways to Improve Your Writing by Gary Provost was recommended reading from one of my writing workshops. It’s a super slim pocket sized volume that is the perfect take-off and landing read on a plane. In fact, that’s how I read the entire book. During my flights to and from LA.

Because of its brevity, I would recommend this book to writers who have read other books on the craft of writing and writing techniques first. This is a terrific refresher and contains some great nuggets, but there are short bursts of insight that could leave the beginner baffled.

He does include examples of the right and wrong way to apply what he’s teaching–which helped drive home his points. I’m a fan of examples. Especially ones that illustrate how to apply and not apply the teachings.

Also keep in mind, this book was published in 1985 so there is a quaintness to some of the ways that may not translate perfectly to this time.

Overall, I enjoyed it and I took away new techniques and new insights so it was a worthwhile read to me.


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