My Excerpt from the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest

Amazon worked tirelessly last week and this weekend and has fixed the major glitches (missing emdashes, weird characters replacing quotation marks and italics, and missing apostrophes) in the quarterfinalists excerpts from the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) Contest!!!

There are still paragraphing and page break issues in the excerpt, but it is now quite readable. 🙂

My product description does not have my original paragraphing and the spacing is wrong in a spot or two, but other than that it is ready to be read.

So drumroll please….

To read my ABNA excerpt from The Six Train to Wisconsin, you click on the link and it will take you to my Amazon page. You have to download the excerpt to your Kindle. It says you click to buy it, but it’s $0.00 dollars.

Then you can read it on your Kindle. The product description on the Amazon page is my original pitch that got me through the first round of the contest. It’s the one I worked on at the Backspace Agent-Author Seminar in November and used at the WDC Pitch Slam in January.

This is the first time my writing is in a public forum. I’ve bitten my nails to nubs. Nerve-wracking and exciting. I never ever thought I would reach this point when I entered back in January. I’d really love to hear your thoughts.  If you have time, please stop over to check out my excerpt. You can rate it and leave reviews on my Amazon page too.

There are 250 talented ABNA Quarterfinalists across many genres of adult fiction. I’m competing against 249 of them. 🙂  There is a separate contest for YA fiction with another 250 amazing ABNA Quarterfinalists too.  You can read their excerpts by clicking on the link and selecting which genre you want to look at along the top of the page.

If you don’t have a Kindle or a Kindle app, you can still check out my first five pages of The Six Train to Wisconsin on my website.

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54 Responses to My Excerpt from the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest

  1. Pingback: Why I Will Never Have A Bestseller « The Write Transition

  2. Pingback: And a big thank you to Nomadic Angel! « butimbeautiful

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