Versatile Blogger Award

A ginormous thank you to Marc Schuster for presenting me with the Versatile Blogger Award!

I love filling my blog with tidbits from my life. It’s even more wonderful to know someone is enjoying reading it.

In the tradition of this award, I would like to present the award to some very versatile blogs that I enjoy reading:

  • Abominations–From the Bad Uncle Award to the release of his latest book, Marc keeps you updated on the humorous happenings in his life and all things blog worthy.
  • August McLaughlin’s Blog –From her Christmas song available on Itunes to her up-coming novel, August’s blog is infectiously interesting.
  • Novel Girl–Chock full of advice for writers, she’s got  posts about hair braiding as a metaphor for story structure and writing three dimensional characters.
  • Indulge – Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences–Leslie’s blog covers exotic places she’s traveled to, where to find the best Christmas lights ever, and even how she learned to fly a helicopter.
  • Gin & Lemonade–Lorna’s blog ranges from what Christmas is really about to her favorite books on writing. Every post is written with a dash of humor and a cup of honesty.
  • Exiled Stardust–I love hearing about an expat’s experiences in Eastern Europe. Can’t get more versatile than that.
  • Limebird Writers–Blog posts on everything a writer experiences and/or needs to know about.

Congrats to all of you! Your blogs keep me coming back because I never know what I will read about next.If I missed anyone, I apologize. I enjoy reading all the blogs I follow.

As part of the award here are 7 random facts about me:

  1. I can’t handle spicy food.
  2. I despise the smell of garlic.
  3. I’ve worn glasses since I was seven.
  4. My longest crush lasted 8 years.
  5. I can write in Chinese.
  6. I love beaches but hate the sun.
  7. I have an artificial disc in my spine.

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